In this video I'm going to show you how to quickly and easily change fax domains.

Making the ability to send faxes by everyone in your company easy is important so they'll be more comfortable and confident in sending faxes from their desktops. With GFI FaxMaker you can customize the fax and SMS if domains used by GFI FaxMaker are similar to that or compliment the existing domain that your users are already familiar with. Note that this will be important if you are using something like a hosted email provider such as Office 365 or Google Apps Mail where the default domain may not be usable.

To do so start by opening the GFI FaxMaker configuration interface and navigating to the Email2FAXGateway category and then click Properties. In the new window select the second tab at the top labeled Fax/SMS domains. Here you should be able to see in the text boxes below the fax and SMS default domains. Simply change these to the designated or the preferred fax and SMS domains needed for your environment. Once that's set simply click OK.

You'll then be prompted to verify the domain name change. Once you click Next you'll notice that IIS local configuration has automatically been updated for your domains. That's it, you are now set up to use the new GFI FaxMaker domains for all of your outbound faxing.

I hope you found this video useful. Be sure to check out our other GFI FaxMaker videos. Thanks for watching!

How to quickly and easily change fax domains with GFI FaxMaker