White papers - GFI EndPointSecurity

PCI DSS compliance

This white paper provides GFI's understanding of payment card industry data security standard (PCI DSS) requirements. It also explains how GFI LanGuard, GFI EventsManager®, and GFI EndPointSecurity™ can assist you in achieving PCI compliance.

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Countering portable device threats

Uncontrolled portable storage devices leave you at risk. The threat that iPods, USB sticks, flash drives and PDAs present businesses is common, though often ignored. Companies can adopt strategies to eliminate them.

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Device-driven security

Managing security in a device-driven Windows® environment. Increasing portability of computing devices coupled with the rampant growth of mobile devices and portable storage poses a growing number of threats to companies.

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Pod slurping

Uncontrolled portable storage devices pose problems. Firewalls and antivirus aren't enough to secure data on the corporate network. USB drives, iPod®s, flash drives and PDAs, and data theft techniques like "pod slurping" can lead to security breaches.

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