Released: July 25, 2013
The volume encryption feature of GFI EndPointSecurity now offers AES-256 along with the already existing AES-128.
A policy can contain now permissions for specific device serial numbers which are very useful in cases when a specific device having a unique serial number has to be treated differently.
GFI EndPointSecurity adapted to the technology change in the two new operating systems offering now the full scanning functionality for them.
The GFI EndPointSecurity agent protection was improved to block users trying to tamper with the agent and gain access to devices.
The GFI EndPointSecurity now recognizes most of the known archive types and check files inside them to offer increased protection. The following archive types are identified: 7z, arj, bz2, bzip2, cab, deb, gz, gzip, iso, jar, lha, lzh, lzma, rar, rpm, tar, wim, xar, xpi, z, zip.
Released: March 12, 2013
This release of GFI EndPointSecurity 2013 offers better endpoint data loss prevention (DLP) through encryption for USB storage devices and improves overall user experience.
GFI EndPointSecurity 2013 delivers data leakage risk assessment capabilities at endpoint level on a new dashboard.
The risk assessment engine takes a number of variables into consideration, including endpoint activity level, the removable devices being used, their own risk level and of course, the measures in place to prevent data leakage (if any). It will then assign a risk level per endpoint and a global risk level per network, both available on a new dashboard designed specifically for this functionality. The dashboard allows users to see more details for each endpoint and provides more information on what is needed in order to reduce the risks levels showing up both for the network and the endpoints themselves. Additionally the dashboard contains links to the most common operations, as well as the actions which need to be performed in order to reduce the risk levels, making it easier for users to operate the product. Risk assessments can be done on request or at scheduled intervals.
The data awareness module will look into files transiting the endpoints via removable devices and will be able to identify content based on pre-configured (or custom) regular expressions and dictionary files. By default the module will look for security sensitive information such as SSNs, PANs, etc. as well as industry related sensitive information such as names of diseases, drugs, dangerous chemicals, trivial language or ethnic/racist terms.
Supported file types: txt, pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, html, xml