In this video I'm going to show you how to quickly and easily view relevant security changes on your network with GFI LanGuard.
Use the dashboard, history view to inspect relevant security changes made on your network be notified when new devices are discovered. When new security vulnerabilities are detected when applications are installed or removed. When services are started or stopped. When new ports are opened, when new shares are created, when new users are created, when there are hardware changes and so on.
You can configure the time period or group changes by computer, information, category or date and filter out the changes you don't want to see. For example, you may want to group changes by Information category and only seeing new devices detected on the network and devices that have had their vulnerability level changed. Here you'll see that all other changes were filtered out. If a valid email recipient is configured in altering options GFI LanGuard sends a daily digest report by default containing the history view of the entire network for the last 24 hours.
I hope you found this video useful be sure to check out our other GFI LanGuard videos. Thanks for watching.